This piece addresses the global need for advocating for Black lives and dispelling misconceptions surrounding it. As a dark-skinned man of African, Asian, and South American descent, born in the Netherlands, I offer a perspective shaped by my diverse background. The artwork contains several subliminal messages about privilege, colonialism, and institutional racism. I invite you to examine it closely.
The meaning
• The milk represents white privilege, deeply ingrained in society since colonial times.
• The black hand reaching for the milk symbolizes Black people striving for a taste of privilege.
• The burn mark on the arm is a slave mark from the GWC, which participated in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. This signifies that Black people are still affected by the consequences today.
• The red strokes and marks represent the spilled blood of ancestors.
• The year 1873 marks the actual end of slavery, rather than the "official" year of 1863.
• The ripped paper and tape illustrate the societal issues and impact surrounding this topic.
• The text in the bottom-left corner reflects the thoughts of many Black people when they face discrimination due to their skin color.
• The text in the bottom-right corner represents the typical responses Black people get.
• "Summer 2020" signifies the period when the protests gained global attention.
• "Be aware, try to understand" is the message I hope to convey through this piece. Engage in conversations, listen, educate yourself and try to understand.